Monday, August 25, 2008

Views of Mount Santubong

Late in the afternoon, we went to Damai Resort ,Santubong near Kuching. The half hour drive brought us through a picturesque countryside. Just as we were about to reach the resort, I saw the mountain slopes being hit by the late afternoon sun. I whisked my camera hand phone n931i and got the picture below.
On the return journey I caught another glimpse of the mountain peak. In the Malay language the word equivalent for mountain is 'gunung'. Thus this mountain which shares lots of legendary tales with the local inhabitants living around its plains, is referred to as 'Gunung Santubong'. And there is a popular folk song bearing the name 'Puteri Santubong" to mean the Princess of Mount Santubong. And the legend goes...( well need to be back here again to listen to the legend)....God willing.
These tall coconuts trees ( cocos nucifera) with their feather-like leaves amazes me.
Then, further down the road I had a closer look at the leaves in motion.Very tropical. Very romantic.

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